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Shutters vs Wooden Blinds – What’s The Difference?

Shutters vs Wooden Blinds

If you’re the kind of person who likes to have a little nose at other people’s houses as you’re walking down the street, you will more than likely have noticed the growing popularity of window shutters. It seems every other house has opted for some form of neutral shutters in the window.

So what’s it all about? What’s the difference between these shutters and the wooden blinds that have been around for years? Are they just a more expensive version of the same thing?

We offer both wooden blinds and shutters at The Scottish Shutter Company. But here we’re going to take a look at the benefits of shutters vs wooden blinds. Their similarities and differences, and what we think is the best option.


It’s true. When considering the cost of shutters vs wooden blinds, blinds will always come out as the cheaper option. Wooden Venetian blinds have been around for a while and have a very similar look to shutters – providing an elegant style to a room. At the end of the day, they both have the same purpose of covering a window and controlling the light. So why spend more?

The main difference when considering shutters vs wooden blinds is that shutters are a permanent fixture. You could consider them as a piece of furniture in their own right. Shutters will last for years and can therefore increase the value of your property. Wooden blinds are a more temporary solution, in a similar way to curtains. They can be taken with you and easily changed. 

So it would be fair to say that the extra cost of shutters vs wooden blinds can be balanced by the value they add to your property.

One reason shutters could be seen as preferential to blinds is that blinds are more easily damaged. Blinds are not made from the sturdy materials that shutters are and will need to be replaced more often. This could also make the long-term cost of shutters cheaper than that of blinds.


When comparing the fitting of shutters vs wooden blinds, you will find there are pros and cons to both.

Wooden blinds are fitted simply within the window recess or above it. This makes them easier to change and a good option if you’re looking for flexibility and not sure about making a long-term commitment.

Shutters are fitted to the window frame permanently with metal fittings, sitting flush against the wall creating a seamless effect. They need to be fitted by experts to prevent any damage to the window frame or its surrounds, so they are more difficult to change if you decide later that they weren’t the right option for you.

With wooden blinds, there is also the option to fit them yourself. This can again help cut back on costs but it also leaves room for mistakes. We would usually suggest leaving this to a professional.

Shutters vs Wooden Blinds


Shutters are a lot more durable and long-lasting when comparing shutters vs wooden blinds. This is partly due to the hard-wearing, solid materials they are made from, but also due to their secure fitting.

Because wooden blinds are horizontal slats on a pulley system, the mechanism is more easily damaged. On the other hand, shutters can be individually opened and closed without worrying about damaging any mechanism.

This is particularly useful when considering the maintenance of shutters vs wooden blinds. Shutter louvres can be cleaned easily with a simple wipe down, whereas the slats of blinds can be awkward to clean.

It’s also worth bearing in mind that wooden blinds are not suitable for all rooms in your house. The wooden slats can be prone to warping if used in rooms where they could be exposed to high humidity, such as bathrooms or kitchens. However, due to the sturdy materials used for shutters, you can use them in ALL rooms in your home.


When it comes to style, shutters are a luxury, elegant addition to your home. They can make a room feel sophisticated and classy and can really add value to a property. Though wooden blinds can have a similar feel, there’s something about the solid and sturdy nature of shutters that wooden blinds don’t quite match.

It is also possible to get shutters made in custom colours. So you can choose your favourite shade to dress your windows and style your room. You can make shutters a real feature of the room in this way. For advice on how to choose the best colours for shutters, you can check out our previous blog.

Wooden blinds are also an elegant option and are offered in a variety of colours. However, the freedom of choosing your own custom colour is not usually offered. So not quite so much to get excited about!

Wooden Blinds

Temperature Control

Shutters are a great choice year-round for your property. Because of their construction, being fitted flush against the wall, they offer better insulation and temperature control than wooden blinds.

In the summer months, the louvres can be tilted to regulate the amount of sunlight entering the room whilst still letting the air circulate. And in the colder months, you can keep the louvres closed as an extra layer of insulation to help keep the warmth in.

Wooden blinds also offer a layer of insulation for your home but without the flexibility offered by the louvres on shutters. These are what really make the regulation of the temperature and light easy.

With energy prices going up, shutters can really help keep bills down, offering better insulation in these colder months. This proves a strong argument for shutters vs wooden shutters in these times. For further information, check out our previous blog: Window Insulation: Could Shutters Save You Money On Your Heating Bill? 

Sound Control

Any window covering, whether it be curtains, blinds or shutters, will provide a certain level of sound control. However, the solid structure of shutters vs wooden blinds helps filter out any outside noise to a greater extent. How the shutters are fitted to the window frame helps block out the noises that usually sneak through the gaps.

Again, the flexibility of shutters with their ability to adjust individual louvres makes it easy to manage the noise levels and create the right balance between letting the light in without the roar of traffic from outside.

To find out what style of shutters provides the best sound control, you can read our blog How Do Shutters Reduce Noise?

So which is best?

Wooden blinds are an elegant and stylish option for window coverings. With a lower cost and the ability to easily change them, they could be the right solution for you if you don’t want to commit to a more permanent structure.

Shutters offer a superior, permanent option for your window coverings. The sturdy materials they are made from and the way they are fitted make them more efficient at blocking out unwanted noises and insulating a room in the colder months. They are also more stable and less prone to damage as there are no cords or mechanisms to deal with.

Shutters are the more expensive option initially. However, in our opinion, the benefits of shutters vs wooden blinds outweigh the cost when it comes to their classic style, the value added to the property and the quality of the materials.

For more details on the shutters we offer here at The Scottish Shutter Company, you can download our brochure here.


Picture of David Browne

David Browne

David is Co-Founder and Project Director at the award-winning, Best Family Business 2020 – the Scottish Shutter Company. David has over 35 years’ experience in running and growing small businesses.

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