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Solid Panel Shutters – The Pros And Cons

Solid Panel Shutters

You might have noticed that our website features a huge selection of luxury louvred shutters. Did you know we do solid panel shutters too? 

But what are solid panel shutters? Could they solve your shading solutions? Here, we weigh up the pros and cons so that you can decide for yourselves.

What Are Solid Panel Shutters?

We’ve been using solid panel shutters in this country for over 200 years. Solid panel shutters would be used in Victorian homes to fully secure vacated homes. They are traditionally English, our oldest type of shutter, and their elegance and simplicity are undeniable. 

Solid panel shutters are built using solid inserts instead of louvres. So rather than adjusting the louvres on your shutters to shade the room, solid panel shutters can be fully closed for 97% light block or fully open for a delicious bath of sunlight. Some ranges feature a bi-fold mechanism, and all shutters can be secured back to the wall when not in use. 

If you’re looking for complete control over light levels, reduced heating bills and a timeless aesthetic, solid panel shutters could be just what you’ve been looking for. 

Where Might You Use Solid Panel Shutters?

Solid panel shutters look incredible in any room, but there are some practical applications where they make a lot of sense. 

Bedrooms And Living Rooms

Any room that requires complete darkness at certain times of day can hugely benefit from the unbeatable light block of solid panel shutters. You haven’t known darkness until you’ve tried it. 

If you’re someone who needs near full darkness to sleep, or a shift worker who wishes your window coverings would more effectively block out the daylight, solid panel shutters will make you dance with joy.

And just imagine the incredible lounge cinema experience possibilities! Popcorn at the ready – movie nights start next week. 

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Old And Listed Buildings

Do you live in or own a large period property? 

Solid panel shutters are a classic choice for old and listed properties, especially those built in the Victorian or Georgian eras, because they blend in perfectly with the feel of the place. Some property owners might also like to install solid panel shutters to simply restore these traditional features.

Solid Panel ShuttersCellars And Pantries (And Any Room That Gets Unbearably Hot)

Because solid panel shutters are unbeatable when it comes to a 97% block of sunlight they are very well suited to rooms that need to be kept cool. 

Are you a homesteader with cans and jars that need to be kept out of direct sunlight? Maybe you’ve got a south-facing lounge and dining room area that feels like a sauna in the summer months. Whatever the case, solid panel shutters will keep your spaces at an even ambience. 

Single Glazed Windows

Many older buildings have single-glazed windows, but ripping these out to replace them with new double or triple-glazed alternatives can cost an arm and a leg. For 8 new windows and 2 new uPVC doors, you’re talking an average of £12,000, and that’s before you factor in the fitting… 

Not to mention anything going wrong with the brickwork, which isn’t uncommon for older properties.

Single-glazed, sash windows are not efficient at holding in the heat you’re paying for, and that means your energy bills are likely through the roof. Solid panel shutters pair fabulously with these old-style windows because they act like a second layer of double glazing when closed, efficiently insulating your home against heat loss and draughts and dramatically reducing your spending.

The Advantages Of Solid Panel Shutters

Here’s why you should consider solid panel shutters for your home. 

Best Coverage On The Market

Solid panel shutters are the gold standard of light-blocking window coverings. Not only does this mean you can get a quality night’s sleep in full and peaceful darkness – and we all know how key this is to our overall well-being – but suddenly spending quality time with your family watching TV becomes more comfortable. 

No pesky glare on the screen, no having to get up and draw the curtains, just cosy, comfy nights in. 

Impressive Noise Reduction 

External noises disrupt our lives. Honking horns, construction hoo-ha and noisy neighbours can get in the way of work, sleep and being able to switch off in the evening.

So what’s the answer? You’ve guessed it!

Solid panel shutters are the most soundproof of the lot. Because they are full panels with no gaps, unlike louvred shutters, they hold a defence against unwanted noise pollution like no other. You can read more about how shutters reduce sound here

Efficient Insulation 

The cost of heating and fuelling a home is sky-high, and it’s a worrying time for everyone. But did you know an average home can lose up to 20% of its heat through its windows alone?

Fortunately, there are 4 main ways shutters can reduce your energy bills, and you’ll quickly start to see their effects on your monthly bills. To find out how shutters help you run an efficient home, read this blog

Timeless Aesthetic

Solid panel shutters aren’t just practical, they look the part too.

Classic and inherently elegant, this style of window covering looks beautifully at home in old-fashioned houses but makes a quirky impact in a modern home too. 

And what’s more? They’re versatile. Paint them the same colour as your walls for a sleek, chic effect when closed – easy with Scottish Shutters’ custom colours – or opt for something bright and eye-catching for a feature that will get your friends talking.

Want to change your design scheme? No problem. A simple repaint, and you’re good to go. 

The Disadvantages Of Solid Panel Shutters

Of course, there are some downsides to solid panel shutters. Here we go…

Limited Light Control

Unlike other louvred shutters on the market, solid panel shutters are far less flexible in their offering. They’re all-or-nothing, open or closed. And there is no way to angle the light like you can with adjustable louvres.

This can mean that light coming into your room loses some of its softness, and you’re either flooded with daylight or sat in stark darkness. 

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Reduced Privacy

Sure, when the shutters are closed, you’re golden. But no one wants to be sat in the gloom all day long! And open shutters mean everything is laid bare. 

Increased Power Use

When your shutters are fully shut, you’re more likely to need to switch some lights on. We think this is a minor disadvantage, but it will ultimately cost you more electricity-wise. 

Are Solid Panel Shutters Right For You?

Solid panel shutters are a great addition to any home. But we know shopping for window coverings to invest in can feel overwhelming. 

Not sure this style is right for you? Can’t find the answers to your questions on the internet? Book a home visit with one of the Scottish Shutters team. We’ll come to your house and give our expert opinion on what would work well for your space and your lifestyle, with no stepping on toes and no expectations.


Picture of David Browne

David Browne

David is Co-Founder and Project Director at the award-winning, Best Family Business 2020 – the Scottish Shutter Company. David has over 35 years’ experience in running and growing small businesses.

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