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Why Are Wooden Blinds So Much Cheaper Than Shutters?

wooden blinds

Wooden window coverings are stylish and sophisticated. You can spot them at every flip of the page in lifestyle magazines, and they’re frequent features of trendy social media streams worldwide. 

Now there are two ways you can go with wooden window coverings; wooden blinds or wooden shutters. If you’ve done your homework, you’ll know that wooden blinds are by far the cheaper option… but why? 

Are they all that different?

Wooden Blinds Vs Shutters – Cost

Price is a factor for many people investing in new window coverings. And more than just the initial outlay, what’s important is how cost-effective your investment is going to be…

It’s no use buying cheap and having to replace battered, broken window coverings a year down the line. 

With that in mind, what is the difference between wooden blinds and shutters when it comes to cost? And how does that compare to their lifespan? Let’s take a look…

Wooden shutters are an exclusive, made-to-measure and top-quality product. Full wooden shutters – the go-to style in Scotland – cost between £190 and £500 per square metre. So for an average bay window, you can expect to fork out around £1300.

(If you’re wondering why Scotland loves full wooden shutters, read this). 

Compare wooden shutters to wooden blinds, which can be bought off the shelf from retail stores, and you begin to spot the differences between them. Cheap wooden blinds can be purchased for as little as £30 a window, depending on the size. 

Off-the-shelf wooden blinds aren’t the only product out there, mind you. There are also high quality wooden blinds out there doing a splendid job at shading indoor spaces, and Scottish Shutters stock the very best. Check out our Serino Woodslat blind collection here.

Are There Any Similarities?

Clearly, the prices of wooden blinds and shutters are vastly different. So you might be wondering if there are similarities between wooden blinds and shutters. And the short answer is yes.

You’ve guessed it. They are both made of wood! Both wooden blinds and wooden shutters have a level of natural insulation due to the nature of wood as a material. You can read more about the magical qualities of shutters in this blog

Wooden shutters and blinds also both come in various styles, and there’s a shutter or blind design out there for every home. Some wooden blind styles, like Venetian slats, even mimic the warm, softened light that louvred shutters provide. 

But that’s where the similarities stop.

Wooden Blinds

Let’s Talk About Differences

They might be made from the same raw material, but wooden blinds and shutters don’t have much else in common. 

Not convinced? Have a read of these comparisons.


When you buy wooden shutters, you’re choosing a made-to-measure shading solution with a perfect fit. Installed by expertly trained fitters, shutters snugly fit your window, whereas blinds cover them. And for some people, that suits their needs perfectly. 

Light Control

Though blinds enable you to alter the light levels in a room with ease, most don’t provide much of a range. This means you either get full, beautiful sunlight streaming in or you block it out completely. Closing your blinds also provides full privacy. 

With wooden shutters, you’ve got options. Full-height tier-on-tier shutters are the most versatile when it comes to light control because you can close the bottom panel while keeping the upper section open, flooding the room with a puddle of beautiful natural sunlight. 

Temperature Control

Wooden blinds sit over your windows, providing shade when you want it. Though wood is naturally insulating, wooden blinds don’t offer much in the way of warming your home and saving you money.

Wooden shutters, on the other hand? Their millimetre-perfect fit, and the thick, solid nature of their construction mean they are supremely effective at blocking out drafts. They also reduce heat loss through your windows by up to 64%, bringing down your energy bills. 

Longevity And Durability

Poor quality blinds don’t stand up to regular adult operation and might warp and stain over time from humidity. Thankfully, premium wooden blinds, like the ones you can see in our showroom do a much better job! 

Here at the Scottish Shutter Company, we provide a 5-year guarantee on all of our shutters and blinds because we know our products are built to last, and boy, do they perform. 

Wooden shutters are quality-engineered window coverings that aren’t phased by family life and can put up with the wear and tear of the daily grind. 


Both wooden blinds and shutters are easier to maintain than curtains. To clean wooden blinds, you’re looking at a serious session of wiping down each slat. Shutters, however, can usually just be glanced at with a microfibre cloth. 


Blinds of all kinds flap in the breeze, and wooden blinds can be especially noisy. Not just that, but with each flap, outsiders gain a lovely view of your inside spaces.

Shutters are made from sturdy solid panels, meaning you won’t be disturbed. The privacy levels shutters bring to your home are next-level, even down to the angles of the louvres working to distort the view from the outside in. 


Shutters instantly make a room feel classy and even add value to your property. There’s something about their solid, sturdy makeup that just screams quality.

When choosing your shutters, you can also choose custom colours, meaning you can pick the perfect shade to work with your design choices. Wooden blinds, on the other hand, often come in a range of colours and styles, and at The Scottish Shutter Company we’ve even got a range that can be custom coloured, so you can match them to your decor perfectly. 

So, Why Are Wooden Blinds Cheaper? 

Wooden Blinds

Wooden blinds are cheaper to make than shutters, and that keeps their retail cost lower for customers. But high-end wooden blinds made from superior materials can provide the privacy, darkness and effortless style that you’re looking for in new window coverings. 

Strong and sturdy, wooden shutters are built to last, making them the smart choice for your window covering solutions. Able to reduce your monthly outgoings by insulating your home, wooden shutters offer unmatched light control and perfect privacy and are easy to look after, too.

Thinking about installing wooden shutters or blinds in your home? Not sure which style will suit your needs best? 

Grab one of our brochures for a comprehensive look at our luxury products. 


Picture of David Browne

David Browne

David is Co-Founder and Project Director at the award-winning, Best Family Business 2020 – the Scottish Shutter Company. David has over 35 years’ experience in running and growing small businesses.

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