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Window Noise Reduction: Will Window Shutters Reduce Noise?

Window Noise Reduction

Looking for window noise reduction? Are you scouring the web for a way to reduce noise in your home? Not sure how window shutters could help with things like road noise? Want to know precisely which shutter styles are the most effective at sound dampening? You’re in the right place.

No matter how gorgeously designed or restored your home is, it can still come with some inconveniences. One of the biggest homeowner complaints? Outdoor noises!

Whether you’re battling a close-by road, a public pathway or even noisy neighbours, you need a solution to give you the peace you’re looking for. A tranquil living environment needn’t be a pipe dream – it could be a reality with customised window shutters.

Investing in quality window coverings could be the window noise reduction solution you’re looking for, and here’s why…

Will Shutters Reduce Noise?

This is the big question for all homeowners in searching for a way to reduce external noise within their homes.

If you’re looking for peace and quiet inside your home, installing window shutters is one of the most effective solutions to outside noise. They’re especially useful for street-level rooms where you want to block out sounds like loud music, cars on a nearby road or just the hubbub of a busy area.

Shutters are a homeowner’s favourite for a reason – their soundproofing qualities are matched by how good they can look. People often underestimate how much sound can travel through windows, even double glazing. Because of this, windows are overlooked as a barrier to peace and quiet.

Fortunately, expertly designed shutters will resolve this problem easily, decreasing the amount of sound that can get into your home. 

But why not just get a set of heavy curtains? You may ask.

Curtains can make a small difference if they’re thick enough, but they leave unavoidable gaps around the edges of your window. Shutters are fitted to your window frame, securely affixed, and made from naturally sound-deadening materials. 

Plus, because of how our shutter solutions are designed, you can keep your shutters shut while allowing light in and enjoying the view from your home. This means you can reduce the noise in your home even when your curtains would usually be open.

When it comes to results, there’s no competition. Shutters are the noise-cancelling king

How Shutters Reduce Noise
If you’ve ever wondered exactly how shutters can reduce noise, you might be surprised by how simply they work.

First, imagine the noise coming from outside of your home as visible wavy lines. If you have uncovered single-pane windows, those waves can easily get through to the inside of your home, ruining the ambience.

Double glazing makes it a little harder for the sound waves to get through, but noisy neighbours or close by car horns will still be easily heard. Adding a covering to the inside of your windows means these sound waves have more material to get through, therefore dampening the sounds.

Window shutters come in many styles and materials, but they are usually constructed of wood or another thick, durable material which is dense enough to prevent noise.

They also have closely spaced louvres or solid panels that reflect and absorb most of the sound. On top of that, shutters are fitted to your windows seamlessly, leaving no sneaky avenues for sound to creep through. 

Window Noise Reduction: Types of Shutters

Which types of shutters are the best at reducing noise?

The truth is that any window shutter is better than none at all! Their construction makes them a reliable noise insulator, whichever style you choose.

For this reason, you’re unlikely to find a window shutter that is designed specifically for noise reduction since it comes with the territory. But if you’re looking for shutters that will bring a little more serenity and noise control to your home, try solid panel shutters.

Window Noise Reduction

This style of shutter is made from solid wood panels, making them the most effective at absorbing the outside sounds you want to block out. When open, these shutters still offer a timeless look despite being the sturdiest design.

Most plantation-style shutters are a good choice for keeping your home office or bedroom a little calmer and quieter. And because they’re made to fit your window exactly, you don’t have to worry about awkward gaps allowing sounds through.

Whichever shutter you choose to suit your style or decor, you’ll benefit from an extra layer of soundproofing.

Window Noise Reduction (2)

Are Shutters or Blinds Better for Window Noise Reduction?

Which are better for soundproofing, shutters, or blinds?

Neither blinds nor shutters can provide 100% soundproofing – you’d need a recording studio set up to achieve that! But there is a clear winner when it comes to blinds vs shutters for noise reduction.

Shutters are by far the best choice because they’re structurally able to keep out noises while also adding value to your home and fitting your window perfectly.

There are other benefits to blinds, though. Blinds are more easily changed and have a significantly lower cost. Still, they just can’t protect you from unwanted noise like shutters can. So shutters could be the answer if you’re hoping to create an ambient space in your home free from intrusive noises.

Window Noise Reduction: The Other Benefits of Shutters

If you’re searching for a window dressing that goes further than just blocking out light and looking pretty, window shutters can deliver. The benefits are extensive; just see below.

Temperature Control
Shutters are usually made of wood, which isn’t just a noise insulator but also a heat insulator. So, your home can stay warmer in the cold months and cooler in the hot months just by closing your shutters.

Innovative Light Filtering
Some styles of shutters allow you to gain privacy while still enjoying the sun, and others can expertly filter the light to suit your mood or activity.

Added Value
Investing in your shutters is a long-term decision too. Customised window shutters are a gorgeous and permanent addition to your home, with the happy bonus of adding value to your property. Who’d have thought shutters could be such great multitaskers? 

Window Noise Reduction

Where To Start with Shutters For Window Noise Reduction

If you’re ready to take control of outdoor noise, then window shutters are a chic and reliable solution. Choose a style such as solid panel shutters for window noise reduction to make the most of the sound-dampening properties that properly fitted shutters can provide.

To find the bespoke shutters that will bring tranquillity to your home, request an appointment or quote from our shutter experts. 

Picture of David Browne

David Browne

David is Co-Founder and Project Director at the award-winning, Best Family Business 2020 – the Scottish Shutter Company. David has over 35 years’ experience in running and growing small businesses.

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Over 37 years of experience in shutters and blinds, so you know your windows are in safe hands.

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