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The Hidden Cost Of Cheap Blinds

Budget blinds look like the perfect solution to upgrading your home for fewer pennies.

Advertised as quick and easy to install, and in a range of colours to suit any room, a new set of blinds is sure to improve upon a tired set of curtains, right?

Not necessarily.

And here’s why.

They Don’t Really Fit

Windows and the houses you find them in come in all ages, shapes and sizes, and budget blinds don’t. Cheap, mass-produced blinds, therefore, rarely fit your windows the same way that beautiful bespoke blinds would. 

Not to mention the roller blinds you can cut to size, which more often than not, see the user compromise on a good fit with a gap on either side of the frame. 

Poorly fitting blinds usually mean little to no light control and non-existent privacy levels. Not ideal for the modern home.

Low-Quality Mechanics

Cheap blinds have been cheaply manufactured; their component parts have often been made from poor quality materials that can’t sustain the wear and tear of regular use, and so the mechanical system breaks down or malfunctions in a short time.

Blinds are designed to look simple and stylish, but those beautiful exteriors house highly fine-tuned mechanical workings. And when one part of the system breaks or warps, the whole thing is useless.

Flimsy, Not Functional

It’s not just the moving parts that can be manufactured at low cost, but the blind materials too.

One of the ways manufacturers can keep costs down and sell you blinds at bargain prices is by opting for cheaper, weaker materials. Poor-quality fabrics, brittle wooden slats and cheap metals won’t stand up to the general wear and tear of daily life, often leaving you with unsightly broken blinds not long after you’ve fitted them.

As part of a home or work setting, blinds must withstand constant use; often being opened, closed and adjusted multiple times a day. Here at the Scottish Shutter Company, we guarantee our products for 5 years, and high-quality made-to-measure blinds that are taken care of should last decades. 

Replacement Becomes Necessity

When your cheap blinds stop working correctly or break altogether, you’ll need to replace them.

Suddenly, budget blinds can cost you more in the long run than the initial investment into stunning bespoke blinds. How many windows are there in your house? That’s a lot of blinds to replace!

The Hidden Cost Of Cheap Blinds (2)

Compromise On Benefits

Cheap blinds, made of low-quality materials and component parts, do not offer the same benefits as higher-end blinds.

It’s as simple as that. 

Budget blinds won’t block out external noise pollution, hold in the heat or reflect the glare of the summer sun. They won’t help to keep your energy costs down, and they won’t provide the same level of privacy as their made-to-measure counterparts.

And they won’t add the same stylish touch to your home that the Scottish Shutter Company prides their products on.

Not only are high-quality blinds constructed to last longer, but they also look better. Both stylish and practical, high-end blinds are designed to work for you through all seasons, so they are heat and damp-resistant. 

When You Buy Cheap, You Buy (At Least) Twice

Money is tight, but when you opt for the quick fix of budget blinds you’re throwing yours down the drain. Purchasing poorly constructed blinds sets you up with window coverings that could go wrong at any moment, meaning you’ll likely be shopping around for replacements next year.

When you buy and install cheap blinds you are also compromising on light control, privacy, noise reduction and heating efficiency.

Here at the Scottish Shutter Company, we’re committed to finding you a window covering solution that suits your budget AND your needs, without compromising on durability and performance.

All of our products have been chosen with care because they work to a high standard and look stunning; our bespoke, made-to-measure blinds can truly transform a space whilst performing perfectly year after year.

Give our friendly team a call, or arrange a visit to one of our showrooms, to find out just how brilliant our blinds are. 

Picture of David Browne

David Browne

David is Co-Founder and Project Director at the award-winning, Best Family Business 2020 – the Scottish Shutter Company. David has over 35 years’ experience in running and growing small businesses.

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